Gail Marie Valker, Revolutionary Mama 🕊️🌱
Gail Marie Valker, Revolutionary Mama 🕊️🌱
Gail Marie Valker, Revolutionary Mama 🕊️🌱

Gail Marie Valker, Revolutionary Mama 🕊️🌱

Becoming a better writer

18 stories

Gail Marie Valker, Revolutionary Mama 🕊️🌱

Gail Marie Valker, Revolutionary Mama 🕊️🌱

My Attempts to Make Sense of What's Happening in Palestine

19 stories

Hand painted plywood sign with donuts and the phrase, “a better world is possible”
Massive crowd facing a large brightly-lit stage.
Gail Marie Valker, Revolutionary Mama 🕊️🌱

Gail Marie Valker, Revolutionary Mama 🕊️🌱

What's Really Happening in Gaza (and in the U.S.)

65 stories

Gail Marie Valker, Revolutionary Mama 🕊️🌱

Gail Marie Valker, Revolutionary Mama 🕊️🌱

Racism and white privilege

5 stories

Gail Marie Valker, Revolutionary Mama 🕊️🌱

Gail Marie Valker, Revolutionary Mama 🕊️🌱

Fun & Insightful Philosophy and Ramblings

7 stories

Hand reflection in mirror
Gail Marie Valker, Revolutionary Mama 🕊️🌱

Gail Marie Valker, Revolutionary Mama 🕊️🌱

My thoughts on being a mother, daughter, and sister

8 stories

A store bought elf with a child-made elf in a child-made sleeping bag with a child-made pillow under the Christmas tree
Silhouetted child leaning against a tree and reading a book with a sun setting on the horizon
A mother kissing a baby
Gail Marie Valker, Revolutionary Mama 🕊️🌱

Gail Marie Valker, Revolutionary Mama 🕊️🌱


Dreaming of a future where instead of having the right to pursue happiness, people everywhere have enough and live in peace and harmony with Nature.